* — May 14, 2018
End of Season

people disappoint me
the cues they have missed
deliberately, the calls
and what makes me think
I am so perfect
as the ice melts in my drink
quick to pick apart
a sentence, what you meant
oh, to be stuck in honey
nothing but a bug
am I just too impatient
for people to change
the earth to be saved
evening wrings the blood from its shirt
horizon pink with grief
the color of the inside of a slab
of beef when it’s medium rare
admit it: most of the day was drivel
and you waited to cook it through

Originally published in No Tokens Issue No. 5. View full issue & more.

Diana Keren Lee’s work has appeared in WILDNESS, Painted Bride Quarterly, Vinyl, Prelude, and elsewhere. She has received fellowships from The MacDowell Colony and New York University.