* — April 14, 2020
Drawn By Water
black and white photo
July, 1951

– for Pam

Photo Cred:
unsplash-logoDaniel Ian

Originally published in No Tokens Issue No. 7. View full issue & more.

LORRAINE HENRIE LINS is the author of four poetry collections, 100 Tipton, All the Stars Blown to One Side of The Sky, I Called It Swimming, and Delaying Balance. She is a Pennsylvania county Poet Laureate and serves as the Director of New and Emerging Poets with Tekpoet. Her work has widely appeared in journals and anthologies, most recently: The American Poetry Journal, Inklette, Claudius Speaks, and The Black Fox Literary Magazine. Born and raised in the suburbs of Central New Jersey, she presently resides outside of Philadelphia. (WWW.LORRAINEHENRIELINS.COM)